fun game, needs fixes
please add 3d touch sensitivity like mc5
it would be nice to have the choice to bind jump as the movement 3d touch ability, instead of sprint
sprinting causes a bug with camera snapping to position for certain classes
changing classes while respawning can get you stuck spectating (must force close app)
please get rid of durability, unnecessary limitations
fun game with very playable controls and enjoyable classes. having a bigger playerpool would help with getting full matches, population seems to be dwindling (quick play matches are rarely full). please consider making jewels more farmable, and rewards more achievable, while limiting p2w such as vehicles/items (restrict for couple respawns, long cooldown, make more available to f2p). this game has much potential once bugs are fixed and playing field is evened to attract a bigger population
exp gaming fan about
Blitz Brigade, v2.7.0